WowPaper! Wild and Wacky Wallpaper for Windows 256 Color Freeware Set by Amalgamated Designs CIS ID:75227,417 503-241-1848 FILE: WOWPAPER.ZIP compressed with PKZIP 204G Wow!! Wallpaper to blow your mind! These are NOT little tiny 16 color bitmaps, they ARE 5 different 256 color bitmaps of varying sizes, up to 400x300dpi for those of us with high color graphics adapters! These INCREDIBLE tiling wallpapers incorporate flowers, butterflies and and zaniness into an infinitely enticing desktop! Stun and amaze your friends! Stun and amaze your video card!! Install .BMP files to your \WINDOWS directory and use the DESKTOP portion of the Windows CONTROL PANEL to change wallpaper images. USE TILING!!! OR MISS OUT!!! Guaranteed Satisfaction or your money back! (Ya, it's freeware, so waddaya want back!?) Give this file to ALL of your friends and enemies!! Something for the person with the hard drive with everything! Upload to your favorite BBS! <---Sysops please email if you post this file!---> Like 'em? Want more? E-mail us for details on ordering the complete set of AMAZING wallpapers! We even have 16 color versions for the rest of the world that's dying to see these on their humble VGA cards! FILES in WOWPAPER.ZIP WOWPAPER.TXT <-- This file! You must know that by now... ANY_NAME.BMP <-- (160x120) by any other name these rose would smell as sweet as pi. DAZEY.BMP <-- (200x150) daisy chains were never like this!! BUTTRFLY.BMP <-- (263x196) Our logo and friendly neighborhood flutter by... PRPLPASN.BMP <-- (200x200) Purple Passion Flower Power!! FILIGREE.BMP <-- (400x300) Public Transit map for subways on Betelgeuse!